
Below are our estimated practice fees for 2025. These are to be used as a guide and the final fee will depend on the time taken during the appointment.
All of our face to face appointments and some of our Telehealth appointments qualify for the medicare rebate.

The upfront cost and rebate will both be higher on weekends and after hours but the out of pocket cost to you will not increase .

A payment link will be sent via text message after your consult - if you would prefer to pay via eftpos transfer, please email us for the account details.

We will process your claim to Medicare following this and you will typically receive your rebate within a few days of payment. If your baby has not yet been added to your Medicare, we can provide a paid invoice for you to claim with Medicare later.

A paid invoice can be sent if required for claiming with private health funds - please email us to arrange this.

No refunds available for any appointments including feeding and sleep appoiontments.

Medicare Safety net threshold

If you have reached the Medicare Safety Net Threshold, you qualify for a larger medicare rebate. You can check whether you have reached the medicare safety net through MyGov or by calling medicare. Please note that the medicare safety net reset annually on Jan 1. We recommend checking if you have reached the safety net prior to your appointment, and registering for it if you haven't already.

Private Health Insurance

Some appointments will qualify for private health claims. This will depend on the type of appointment, the practitioner seen and the level of private healthcare of the patient. We recommend contacting the practice for more information as well as your insurer before attending your appointment. Typically, it is not possible to claim with both Medicare and a Private Health Insurance fund for the same consultation.

Please note our fee tables are best viewed on a desktop, laptop or tablet

A PDF version of our fees information is available here.

Our Fees

Feeding and sleep appointments

Pre-conception, Pregnancy and Postnatal appointments

GP appointments