The Nurtured Medical Approach

We provide support that is individualised and compassionate. We work with families to find solutions that align with your values and goals and that feel workable for your family.

Nurtured sleep support

An evidence – based alternative to sleep training

We provide support for families for any concerns that they have relating to their little one’s sleep.

At Nurtured Medical, our practitioners who offer sleep support have been trained in Possums Neuroprotective Developmental Care, and follow these principles when assessing and helping you with your little one’s sleep. This evidence-based alternative to sleep training focuses on optimising a baby’s two natural/ biological sleep regulators. It does not promise to have your baby sleeping through the night, but rather the goal is for nights to feel manageable, without excessive night waking. 

Our approaches to sleep support are founded in attachment- based parenting. We also prioritise supporting and promoting breastfeeding, and safe co sleeping if this is a family’s preference.

Nurtured Medical strongly believe in the Possums and co. philosophy and approach to sleep problems, and as such consultations usually focus on this approach, especially for infants to 6 months. 

The Possums and co. sleep program approach is also successful and helpful for older babies, and a perfect place to start addressing sleep problems. Following this, our practitioners can also talk to families of older babies about night weaning (if age-appropriate), and other approaches to sleep problems, if appropriate. 

All of our GPs and Holly have been trained in Possums and Co Neuroprotective Care.

Dr Eliza, Dr Ali, Dr Laavanya and Holly are currently enrolled in Dr Pamela Douglas’ new NDC accreditation program.

Lauren also intends to undergo NDC accreditation in order to support families with their babies’ sleep.

Nurtured Feeding Support

We offer a range of feeding support from pregnancy, birth and beyond to support you and your baby with specialised, caring and effective advice.

We have extensive experience helping families to overcome feeding challenges including

  • Nipple pain and trauma 

  • Low supply 

  • “Oversupply” and fast let down

  • Flat/ inverted nipples 

  • Recurrent blocked ducts/ mastitis

  • Infant fussing at the breast- back arching, coming “off and on”

  • Breast refusal

  • Avoiding/ weaning off the use of nipple shields

  • Weaning of breastfeeding including night weaning (when age appropriate)

  • Bottle refusal

  • Tongue tie assessment  

  • Lactation induction (for non-birthing parents)

Our Possums and co NDC trained practitioners are experienced in the Gestalt breastfeeding approach to latch and positioning.

Nurtured General practice support

We believe that quality care can’t be rushed, especially when it comes to pregnancy, postpartum and your little one’s health.

Our appointments are 30-90 mins so that we can take the time to sit with you and to help you to feel informed, empowered and held, through some of the most significant moments of your lives.

We work collaboratively as a team during your appointments, and with other local allied and complementary health practitioners, to provide holistic care.

Please note that while we offer some GP appointments and all our doctors are qualified GPs, Nurtured Medical is not a traditional GP clinic - at this stage we cannot see new patients for regular GP appointments and we don’t always have the capacity to see existing patients for acute health concern or illnesses (but will fit them in whenever possible).