5 tips for surviving cluster feeding
Cluster feeding is common and normal but can feel really hard when you’re in the thick of it - here are are top 5 tips to help you during periods of cluster feeding.
How do I know if I have perinatal depression/ anxiety?
It’s common for parents to feel anxious when they’re expecting a baby - hoping for an uncomplicated pregnancy; nervous about how life will change after the baby arrives. It’s also common to feel anxious and at times low after the baby arrives. The sleep deprivation is brutal; sometimes the reality doesn’t match expectations
What happens in a pregnancy planning appointment?
It might include: Review of your existing health conditions, medications and mental health: its ideal for these to be optimised pre- pregnancy (includes partners, too!)
Nipple Pain and Damage
There seems to be a general perception that nipple pain is a normal part of breastfeeding. Whilst it is very common, and often just improves with time, it doesn’t have to be inevitable, and can be both prevented and treated.
Should a 6 week old feed overnight?
I understand that some infant sleep specialists - including some health professionals - suggest that from 6-12 weeks of age, babies do not need to feed overnight. This is almost always untrue: rarely some well, term babies “sleep through”
Paced Bottle Feeding
If a baby is bottle fed (either exclusively, or in addition to direct feeding) then paced bottle feeding is often recommended.
Three Quick Tips to help your baby sleep
Babies start to develop a circadian rhythm at about 2-4 months of age. You can help your baby’s circadian rhythm to mature.
The secret to getting your baby to sleep
There are things you can do to help optimise your baby’s natural sleep regulators, and to help to make the nights feel more manageable.
Top Tips to boost your milk supply
Many women worry about their breastmilk supply… How much milk is baby actually getting? Is it enough? It is understandable why these questions cross mothers minds, as unlike bottle feeding, you can’t measure out a set amount each time.
HELP! How do I fix my baby’s cat napping?
Have a baby who will only nap for 20-40 mins at a time in the day? Feel like you could set a timer to their naps? Maybe they’ll sleep longer if they’re sleeping on you or if they’re moving in a car/ pram, but they wake the second you put them down or stop moving?
4 ways Breastmilk changes to meet the needs of your baby
I want to start the week by sharing some facts about the magic of breastmilk and how it changes to perfectly meet a baby’s needs .