Nipple Pain and Damage
There seems to be a general perception that nipple pain is a normal part of breastfeeding. Whilst it is very common, and often just improves with time, it doesn’t have to be inevitable, and can be both prevented and treated.
Should a 6 week old feed overnight?
I understand that some infant sleep specialists - including some health professionals - suggest that from 6-12 weeks of age, babies do not need to feed overnight. This is almost always untrue: rarely some well, term babies “sleep through”
Paced Bottle Feeding
If a baby is bottle fed (either exclusively, or in addition to direct feeding) then paced bottle feeding is often recommended.
Top Tips to boost your milk supply
Many women worry about their breastmilk supply… How much milk is baby actually getting? Is it enough? It is understandable why these questions cross mothers minds, as unlike bottle feeding, you can’t measure out a set amount each time.
4 ways Breastmilk changes to meet the needs of your baby
I want to start the week by sharing some facts about the magic of breastmilk and how it changes to perfectly meet a baby’s needs .